One thing is certain: we are living in a time of great uncertainty. This applies to our personal lives, the safety of loved ones, the political landscape, and the welfare of the organizations we are a part of. There are strategies to navigate times like this, so here’s one to consider. In the book Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt into Fuel for Brilliance, the author Jonathan Fields talks about the importance of certainty anchors.
“A certainty anchor is a practice or process that adds something known and reliable to your life when you may otherwise feel you are spinning off in a million directions, e.g. rituals, routines, faith expressions and practices that allow you to refuel.”
Now is a great time to use or establish certainty anchors that are personally meaningful in your life. For myself, time with my partner and close friends that is relaxed and unstructured, good food, adequate sleep, time in nature, handwork, and participation in my Unitarian Universalist congregation help ground me and provide balance during tough times. What certainty anchor works for you?
Image: Nature can sooth us. I took this picture of Sullivan Creek outside Metaline Falls, Washington. Description: Creek running through conifer forest on a sunny day.
Thanks Laura! I have my anchors...daily rituals such as beginning the morning with my NYTimes Games. It helps to wake up my head and bring me into the day. And, trying to do a daily subway painting on my phone...I didn't realize that was an anchor for me until I read your words. It helps to ground me. I have to be present to what is around me.